Apa golongan darah mu?  

Posted by gaiu in

Well, lama gak nulis di blog deh..Terbengkalai untuk beberapa waktu karena uas..tapi akhirnya bisa ngeblog lagi..senangnya..
Humm..menanggapi postingan abu tentang karakteristik dari golongan darah, gaiu jadi kepikiran buat bikin postingan serupa dalam versi yang lebih lengkap (untuk semua golongan darah maksudnya..) Artikel ini gaiu kutip dari http://webhome.idirect.com, Enjoy !

Golongan darah A
# Reserved calm, even tempered, introverted, sensitive to public opinion, responsible, reliable
# even tempered and takes charge when others are in confusion
# may be introvert or standoffish or shy
# may feel nervous or ill at ease with others
# sensitive to surroundings and others
# hesitant to change -may feel misunderstood
# may shy from group-nature lover
# prefers suburbs away from crowds
# needs a private space for refuge
# may be accused of being pessimist because of fear of change
# many are artists or creative types due to sensitivity
# craves success
# tasty served with any vegetable

Golongan darah B
* Rational, pragmatic, organizer, individualist, egocentric, mind controls emotion
* fixes, builds, creates- feels best when things run smoothly
* The specialist-reads manuals and follows recipes
* spends more time on groundwork
* may focus on what they are doing and neglect other things
* organized but may have clutter around them -clutter is practical personal things
* energetic and has drive to reach goals
* may be fanatic and work to “bitter end”
* entrepreneurial but may not be flexible
* not the best team player
* rebels against structure of team -individualist may be volatile friend
* may be called self absorbed -heightened sense of self
* can be over dedicated to work
* looks for matter of fact solution v sentimental one
* may be accused of being cold or formal
* reserved in friendship
* tasty served with chicken

Golongan Darah O
# Sociable, energetic, extroverted, frank, realist, showy, flighty, generalist
# makes friends easily-goes with flow and grasps opportunity-flexible
# quick to start a project or chase an idea
# when prospects are bad are first to bail out
# may have short attention span
# express strong emotions and may quickly take opposite view
# declarations are deep but not always durable
# classic entrepreneur -movers and shakers -move from place to place
# express their emotions but can be swayed by other blood types
# has an intrinsic elegance
# sociable and showy
# may be performer
# some good at crime
# adapt to circumstance-words come easily to them
# not self conscious- frank reveal inner feelings
# ambitious, realist -material is more important than intellectual
# may have problem with detail
# tasty with "red" meat

Golongan Darah AB
* Laid back and outgoing, shy and assertive ,a blend of opposites
* unpredictable, compelling
* may seem to have calm exterior -introvert and extrovert
* friends find them dependable but they may rebel if they are overwhelmed and then withdraw
* generous on their own terms
* unpredictable in social situations
* shy with some, bold with others
* strong creative strain-artist/performer
* everything they do is compelling
* drawn to psychology, astrology, fortune telling, spiritual, blood
* good politician or diplomat
* could be too flexible
* good at spotting problem and averting it
* likes city but may feel claustrophobic
* home has elements that inspire thought and action
* hermit and social, subdued and assertive
* doer thinker- torn in many directions- successful at what they do
* tasty with fresh vegetables

Hmm, terlepas dari benar atau enggaknya kriteria di atas, bagi yang berminat untuk tahu lebih dalam tentang golongan darah dan karakteristiknya, ada komik lucu tentang ini dan bisa diunduh di link http://amaliarahmah.wordpress.com/2008/08/10/karakteristik-golongan-darah-lucuuuuu/

Hmm, buat yang baca terus ada yang enggak sesuai, jangan ngamuk yaa,.maapkan daku..

This entry was posted on 18 Desember 2008 at 20.08 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

3 komentar

seems like i really am inspirative.. hwahahahahaha...

gw gol.darah A!! sama kitaaa... gaiu juga kaan??

cukup banyak yg bener tuh gai..
# prefers suburbs away from crowds
# needs a private space for refuge

gw bangeeet.. hwahahahaha..

18 Desember 2008 pukul 21.19

Bener bgt Yuh.. terutama yg
"tasty served with chicken"

I love daging ayam!!
gak suka yg laen!


18 Desember 2008 pukul 22.01

emh,,, ngabsen aja deh,,,
gw 'O' yuh,,,


30 Desember 2008 pukul 23.37

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